Friday 1 December 2023

Materi Announcement

Announcement Text Definition

An announcement is a written or spoken statement in public or formal words containing information about an event that has happened or is going to happen so publicly people know what, when, and where it is about. 

 Social Function

An announcement is used for giving people some information of what has happened or what will happen.


Struktur teks

Title ( judul)

Receiver ( penerima informasi)

Content ( isi pengumuman )

Sender ( pengirim )


Language features  ( unsur bahasa )

Simple present dan simple future tense


Jenis announcement



Lowongan pekerjaan



Example of Announcement

We would like to inform you

That new student registrasion for the 2023 / 2024 academic has opened.

Please visit our website for complete information on requirements and how to register.

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